Instead of having reminders lost in your notification drawer, have them pop right up on your screen. Reminders can be set to go off once, or repeat on intervals, like taking your medicine, daily reviews, birthdays and anniversaries.
- Clean, clear material design
- Pop up drawn over other apps; do not miss important things in your list of notifications
- One-off or interval triggers
- Timeline of past notifications
The app uses Crashlytics to collect data needed to fix crashes, which Google fails to provide developers by default. This needs Internet access, but can be disabled in the app's Settings. No personal data is ever sent.
The app is open source. Source code is available at
- 清洁,透明材料设计
- 弹出绘制在其他应用程序;千万不要错过重要的事情在您的通知列表
- 一次性或间隔触发器
- 过去通知的时间安排